Arab Daily News Exchange System
ASBU ensures the exchange of news among Arab corporations over the ASBU exchange networks connecting all member corporations . Three daily Arab news bulletins, two weekly sports bulletins and a roundup of economic and cultural news are provided.
ASBU also provides daily exchanges of news material from Eurovision, Asiavision and Afrovision, besides content shared in the framework of the Mediterranean exchange. It also has mutual cooperation ties with Arab and international news agencies.
The ASBU exchange networks provide a daily flow of news covering emergency and special events, in response to requests from member corporations. ASBU also endeavors to ensure wide circulation of Arab news through participation in the Eurovision, Asiavision, Afrovision and Mediterranean exchange news bulletins.
Coverage of major events
In the Arab Region
Arab ordinary, extraordinary and development summitsASBU provides live broadcast of the plenary sessions and press conferences of the Arab summits (both ordinary and extraordinary) and of economic and social development summits. It also provides logistical support to host corporations through equipment to help the host corporation cover the summit under the best conditions. ASBU also provides bilateral services such as editing and live broadcast sites, etc.
The ASBU team prepares news bulletins to ensure coverage of the event.
In cooperation with the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, ASBU also provides top-quality coverage of the Hajj season each year (pilgrimage), through live broadcasts, programs and news reports from the holy sites of Mecca, Muzdalifah, Mena and Medina.
Outside the Arab region
In accordance with the defined coverage plan, ASBU provides TV coverage of many major events outside the Arab region by an ASBU crew that is fully equipped to that end. The list of events includes:
- The African Summit / Addis Ababa
- The UN General Assembly meetings/ New York
- The G-20 Summit
- The Climate Summit
- OPEC meetings...
The crew provides live broadcasts of the event's opening and closing sessions, media briefings and press conferences, in addition to the production of daily news bulletins on the event in general and Arab participation in particular.
The program exchange system
ASBU implements an integrated TV program exchange system among its member corporations. The program plan includes a variety of cultural, documentary and artistic program categories, including, in particular, "Throughout the Arab world" and the annual documentary program.
The exchange system has developed significantly both quantitatively and qualitatively, including, in particular, the level of professional quality and the topics covered.
New headquarters of the Exchange Center: As part of the Algerian government's continuous support to the Arab Center for News and Program Exchange, Algeria dedicated an integrated building to the Arab Center for News and Program Exchange and the African Center for News and Program Exchange. Funds have been allocated (about 4 million USD) and the Algerian Television has been assigned the follow-up of the project implementation. Construction works of the new headquarters began in early 2019.
Arab television co-production
In 2017, ASBU initiated the Arab tv co-production project implemented with the participation of ASBU member corporations. The project focuses on issues and topics related to the Arab world in general in the social, economic and cultural fields.
To date, two versions of this project have been implemented, one on" The Arab child in a changing world» and the second on “Environmental issues in the Arab world”. The third version of the project will be dedicated to “the Internet and its impact on Arab societies"
The project aims to produce a series of Arab documentaries on issues of concern to the Arab region. The documentaries will be broadcasted on the member corporations' television channels.

"Inter-Rives" Arab-European TV co-production
This project is implemented in cooperation and partnership between ASBU and COPEAM. For ten years, this has been a successful experience that has produced dozens of documentaries, dealing in successive versions with issues of interest to the Arab and European regions and reflecting their concerns and goals
One of the project's objectives is to build and strengthen bridges of communication and dialogue between the Arab and European regions and to promote Arab culture and civilization.
In 2019, seven successful versions of this project have been implemented, covering a variety of subjects, such as women, migration, childhood, arts, sports and seaport cities.