World Radio Day 2025 Celebration

Eng. Abdulrahim SULEIMAN ASBU D.G. Speech to WRD 2025

 World Radio Day 2025 celebrates many opportunities, radio provides to highlight climate change issues.

The year 2025 is a pivotal year for climate change. According to the Paris Agreement, if humanity is to limit global warming,
To support radio stations in their coverage of this issue, World Radio Day on 13 February this year 2025 is dedicated to the theme “Radio and Climate Change”.
Why the radio?
In the era of artificial intelligence and the spread of social networks, quality radio remains an extremely important local and global media outlet, as it is the most reliable to date according to statistics from UNESCO and international organizations. In addition to simplifying environmental concepts, radio can, by broadcasting reliable information independent of economic, ideological and political forces, influence listeners’ perception of climate change and the importance of this topic.
Whether through recorded programming, live broadcast, or on-demand on new media, radio, with these and many other features, can contribute to shaping public opinion in a way that serves critical public issues.
Radio participation:
Listeners have a wealth of knowledge about the reality of climate change and possible solutions, especially from people who have lived through it Environmental disasters in specific areas, such as pollution caused by industrial sites, food shortages resulting from climate change, untreated sewage, and others. Local testimonials can sometimes be used to address decision makers or companies.
Local radio stations in their communities have the greatest potential to provide programs, coverage and interviews Opinion polls highlight problems and solutions to actual societal issues.
Thanks to radio, marginalized groups, who are greatly affected by climate change, can find a platform to present their opinions and contributions and share them socially,

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